611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571
Email: secretary@csimacon.org
As we start the month of Elul, we start the process of preparing for the High Holidays.
Along with reflecting on the past year, for many of us this time of year coincides with many other functions at our
Kehilla. One of the most important of these, educating our kids, gets started this time of year.
A tremendous amount of work goes into planning the religious school. Thanks to Jen Bernstein and her committee for working out all the details for what we are sure will be an excellent school year.
One of the other important functions is our Annual Fund Drive. While ambitious, we are working towards doubling the amount raised during our Annual Fund Drive last year. To make that happen, it is important that we have participation of all our members.
Keep in mind that we have a limited number of individuals to fund the operations of our Kehilla. Although there are many worthwhile charitable organizations, those other organizations have hundreds and thousands of individuals to help fund their operations. We basi-cally draw our funding from about 100 families.
If you gave to the annual fund last year, please consider doubling the amount you gave. If you did not participate in our Annual Fund Drive last year, we ask that you contribute what you are capable of giving.
We look forward to this time of year when we get to spend time with all our families who come celebrate the High Holidays with us.
Marty and I along with Amanda, Rachael, and Jessica wish everybody and Happy Healthy New Year as we move into 5778!