Today is September 7, 2024 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Coming Back From Winter Break

We hope everyone had a good winter break and enjoyed time off with their families. We want to wish a continued recovery to Rabbi Rubinstein who was under the weather this past week. Glad you are on the mend and hopefully feeling well soon. We also suffered a very sad loss to our Congregation with the passing of Elaine Dreizin. Although Elaine was not as active in the last few years, many of us fondly remember her from our childhood and growing up as well as longtime friendships. We will miss you Elaine and offer condolences to your daughters, Barbara, Lori, and Jill as well as extended family and friends. May her memory continue to be for a blessing. Thank you to all who came to help make a minyan for Shiva.

January plans to be a very busy month. Religious school and Hebrew will resume according to the schedule set forth in the calendar later in the bulletin. We are also looking forward to a Kehilla Shabbat Dinner on the 26th and a Havdalah program and entertainment on the 27th. We hope that those who are available will come and join us for a fun-filled weekend! More details will follow.

We want to thank all of you who have contributed this year to our annual fund drive. Every donation was important, and we appreciate whatever donations we received. Both of us also want to say thank you to all of you who contribute your time and energy to make our synagogue run so well throughout the year. The gift of your time and energy is priceless and always appreciated. For those of you who want to get involved and are not sure how, please call either Jeff Lehman, Michael Kruger, or Evan Koplin as well as the two of us. We will be happy to find a place for your talents!

Hope to see all of you in shul or on zoom!

Shelley and Jan