Today is October 22, 2024 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Congratulations and Looking Ahead

As I write this article, the month of May is winding down. School year is ending, graduation occurs for many families, vacation plans being made, planning for upcoming year at the Shul are just some of the many events which are occurring.

I have said it before. The kids in our religious school have great opportunities for Jewish education in Middle Georgia. While I am sure there is a different experience in communities with larger Jewish populations, the “hands on” experiences these kids encounter, outshines in many ways what you will see in a larger Jewish com-munity. The building of community amongst Jewish kids in a smaller community is so important. Thanks to Jen Bernstein, her committee, and teachers for all their work and dedication during the year in putting together the wonderful programming and experiences for these kids in their Jewish education.

Congratulations to all the families with kids celebrating graduations;those graduating high school and college and moving on to your next journeys in life. Speaking with a couple of them in recent weeks, I know we will see great things to come from all of them. Mazel Tov on your graduations and best of luck as you move forward!

Planning is underway for all the upcoming holidays, adult ed programming, fundraising and building improvements and maintenance. We cannot do what we need to keep this Kehilla going without participation from all of our members as dedicated volunteers.

We will be working to further divide some of the volunteer duties required to make us successful. We need everybody’s help in splitting up the various duties. I realize everybody is busy and your time is valuable.

We need your help and will be making some adjustments to our planning process and communication for events. We hope these adjustments will bring clarity for all involved and make things easier for all volunteers. Please, when called on to help, keep in mind we have a limited number of volunteers to draw from. If we keep relying on the same volunteers, we will eventually encounter “burn out” and will not have the institutional knowledge from those involved needed to keep things going.
In winding down my current term as President, there are many people I need to thank. I especially want to thank Anne Bayme and Theresa Rosengart. While, I may have served as the President for these past two years, it has really been a team effort between all three of us. Thank you for all your continued work in supporting me and our Shul.