Today is February 9, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Happy Fall to All!

First, some reminders:
Please be sure that you have sent the secretary an RSVP with your name and those of any guests, if you are planning to attend our September 4th meeting with a survivor of the October 7th
massacre in Israel. This event will start at 7:00 pm at CSI. Also in September, on the 28th at 8:00 pm at CSI, we will have a guest artist doing a stone-working demonstration for Selichot. Again,
you need to RSVP ahead of time with names for you and guests for this event. The Rabbi has told me that it should be a very special evening.

There will also be a joint CSI and TBI memorial service on October 7th at Temple Beth Israel. More information will be forthcoming.

Even though the High Holy Days don’t start until early October this year, CSI has done a lot of planning in advance. The bulletin contains the HH schedule, so be sure to take note of the
relevant dates and times. Key observances are Rosh Hashanah on 10/3 and 10/4, Yom Kippur on 10/12 and Sukkot on 10/17 and 10/18. If you would like to participate in High Holy Day
honors, please contact Evan Koplin. If you have any other questions, please contact Stephanie in our office, or Jeff Lehman, chair of our ritual committee, or me.

I’ve been thinking about ways to celebrate the Shabbat of September 21st, which is the International Day of Peace. This is a day voted on by the United Nations in 1981 to remind us to work toward peace in the world. It might be a perfect date to attend Shabbat morning services and share lunch with friends in the Social Hall afterwards.

CSI’s religious school has started its new academic year. The teachers have planned terrific activities for their students. Be sure your children are enrolled.

Unfortunately, Covid is still with us. There is a new variant surfacing in Middle Georgia, so please be careful during the coming days. Pharmacies will soon have a vaccine for this strain of the
virus; you might want to take advantage of it. Of course, we can also stay safe by wearing masks and washing our hands. Please take care of yourself and those in your family.

Shalom, everyone. Have a great month!