Today is February 9, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

March is Winding Down

As I write my article, March is winding down. Passover is almost here. Our little Kehilla was certainly very busy this past month here at CSI. I am sure all the “kids” big and small
enjoyed the return of our Purim skit and the wonderful corn beef sandwiches and Beyond Meat burgers with all the trimmings! The attendance was fabulous, and everyone had a
great time. Thank you to all who made it happen with special thanks to Daniel Wengier, Jeff Lehman, Laura Ilan, Susan Hutten, Marty and Elmo Koplin, Valerie, and Tawana! If I
left anyone out, I appreciate you and your contribution as well. I was going through some of my old correspondence over the past few days from when I was last President, and this
time 9 years ago, I was in talks with Rabbi Rubinstein about coming back to be our Rabbi. Hard to believe so much time has gone by!

So far, our in-person services are going well even though our numbers are still small. Next week, we are looking forward to the Bat Mitzvah of Ashlyn Bernstein. Please remember the
guidelines in place require all who are eligible to be vaccinated to attend in-person services. While masks are no longer required, please feel free to wear one if you are more comfortable doing so.

Since the weather is still a bit unusual for this time of year, be sure and take extra precautions to avoid the springtime colds and remaining flu still hanging around. Please make good use of the antiseptics and wash hands frequently and use Kleenex when you sneeze.

Hope all of you have a great month! See all of you in shul!

