Today is February 9, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Wow! Is it Summer Already?

At the synagogue, we just wrapped up the close of another fun, educational, and eventful Religious School year. We also had our Annual Congregational Meeting. As I noted in my President’s remarks, one of the positive qualities found in smaller congregations is certainly the warm fellowship of familiar faces. What can be challenging for leadership though is ensuring a continuous stream of volunteers needed to serve as officers and on committees, and helpers for fundraisers and special events. Thanks to all those members who were recently duly elected to serve in the upcoming season! Your service is both needed and appreciated!

While summer allows us the illusion of a relaxing pace, actually it is anything but! At CSI, we are already looking ahead with calendar pre-planning. As Will Rogers famously quoted… “Even if you are on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” For example, the seemingly smooth flow of the next Religious School year and the array of High Holiday services are due to intensive planning that will begin soon. It’s also time for the Calendar-Directory Committee to swing into gear. The continued success of this long running fund raiser depends on congregational and community support with ads and listings. The revenue generated helps CSI in so many ways. In fact, every contribution whether it be financial, involvement and attendance, or ideas helps out. Shabbat and other services don’t take a summer vacation! So please come to shul when you can to help “make a minyan” to ensure certain liturgy and prayers can be read, especially Kaddish for those needing to recite it. It’s always good to see each other and hear a few words of Torah too!

I wish everyone an enjoyable and safe summer season!