Today is January 15, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

Passover Preparations

Hard to believe that March is winding down already. Passover is on its way. Do not let it sneak up on you in case you want to go to Atlanta or elsewhere for your Passover food. It can sell out fast! By the way, if you need a place to go for Passover Sedar, please contact Stephanie in the office and she will pass it on to get you settled somewhere.

One thing for sure, our little Kehilla was certainly very busy this past month here at CSI. I am sure all the “kids” big and small enjoyed the Mel Brooks Purim skit and the wonderful pastrami and turkey sandwiches, as well as the parve tuna melts with all the trimmings! The homemade hamantaschen, pies and sweet rolls were a particular favorite this year. The attendance was fabulous, and everyone had a great time. Thank you to all who made it happen with special thanks to Daniel Wengier, Sabrina Wengier, Jeff Lehman, Marty and Elmo Koplin, Ellen Finkelstein, Theresa Rosengart, and Maddie Johnson. If we left anyone out, we appreciate you and your contribution as well.

Just a short word to keep open the weekend of May 3 rd – 5 th . It is our Scholar in Residence program that is jam-packed with lots of activities beginning with our usual Friday evening service with our speaker, Janice Friebaum, giving a short presentation and a Shabbat Dinner to follow. Saturday, we have the usual Shabbat service with Ms. Friebaum giving a D’var Torah and luncheon to follow. There are also plans for Saturday evening and ending with Ms. Friebaum speaking at our Yom HaShoah program Sunday afternoon.

The whole weekend should be a wonderful experience for all. More details can be found elsewhere in the bulletin. All meals are no charge to Congregation members, but reservations are required to have a headcount to assure enough food for everyone. We will begin taking reservations on April 22 nd and ask everyone to call or email in by May 1st. You will see reminders along the way!

Hope all of you have a great month! See all of you in shul!

Shelley and Jan