Today is February 9, 2025 -

Congregation Sha'arey Israel

A Conservative Jewish Congregation serving the spiritual needs of the Middle Georgia Jewish community since 1904

611 First Street, Macon, GA 31201
Phone: (478) 745-4571

The High Holidays Are Coming!

The High Holidays are coming! Some of us say they have snuck up on us. If we were really
truthful, we would say we just were not paying attention and time has gotten away from us.
Sunday School and Hebrew School will be back in full swing beginning on the 10th ! We
want to offer a big thank you to all our volunteers who make that possible every year and to
take a minute to brag about how great a job I think they do for our kids. Yasha koah to all of

Rabbi Rubinstein will be starting the Holiday season on September 9th with a great
program for Selichot. There will be Havdalah and refreshments with a presentation by
Alexis Gregg as a part of the continuing series we started many years ago around the
poem Like Clay in the Hands of the Potter we recite each Yom Kipper during Kol Nidre
evening liturgy. Times are located elsewhere in the bulletin. As mentioned in our last
bulletin, we are going to have a Congregation-wide dinner at CSI prior to Kol Nidre. It will
be a meat meal, so reservations are a must. Details are included in this bulletin and
deadlines for reservations will be firm so as to make sure we have food ready as needed
for the dinner. There will be a small charge to help defray the cost.

Details will be forthcoming by a flyer soon. Times and other information for all the High
Holiday services and programming are located elsewhere in the bulletin and on the weekly
email. Other plans for meals for Sukkot and Simchat Torah will be in the October bulletin
and by email. We plan to start the return to our fall schedule with a Shabbat dinner on
October 20th .

As you can see, exciting things are coming to CSI. Please stay tuned as we plan for
upcoming programing in the months to come. Be on the lookout for letters about our
annual fund-raising drive. We know finances may be tight, but the shul would appreciate
anything you can do to help pay expenses for the coming year.
We look forward to seeing everyone on zoom or in person at services and programing.
Good Yom Tov to all, and may you all be signed into the Book of Life for another Year!
Please be safe and well.

Shelley and Jan